Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Combining RSS feeds with Yahoo Pipes

Problem: I have multiple blogs, each with their own RSS feeds. Facebook only allows a single RSS feed to be imported into your Facebook profile. I wanted to get all of my personal RSS feeds to display on Facebook.

Solution: I probally could have written something in PHP and run it on my own webserver to make it work, or found an OSS package to do it. I asked for some feedback from an IRC geek hangout and was pointed to Yahoo Pipes.

Yahoo Pipes looked simple enough, so I gave it a shot and found it to be incredibly intuitive. Add a source to get the RSS feeds, add a sort operator to sort the RSS feeds by date just to be sure they appeared in the correct order, and then output. Volia, the EverythingAndyZib RSS Feed.

Now I just need to blog on a more regular basis.

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